Viperfan Idk you tell me~ @KlutchDecalstree map was way y y y y too big, the 2014 kitpvp map was the best, not sure if that got wiped but if it didnt we should use that
alex77034 or we could use a new map. our archs could prob do something better than the 2014 map now~ @BloopersYeah, the old map is too big.
smk tree map was way y y y y too big, the 2014 kitpvp map was the best, not sure if that got wiped but if it didnt we should use that~ @ViperfanThe old map is just as big tbh, but I love the old map. Maybe a new one with the same map but different theme could be fun
LordInateur We may not do exactly what your thread suggests, but we will be re-balancing kits for KitPVP when we bring it back online.