urbansolo My guy was some washed up elf fam only played it two times but I wanna play it more and progress my guy
Ismenia My guy was some washed up elf fam only played it two times but I wanna play it more and progress my guy~ @urbansolosounds goodWelcome to the forums. Your profile picture looks like Shouko Nishimiya from Koe no Katachi~ @2leah2thanks! that's cool, it's actually mirai kuriyama from kyoukai no kanata :^)
Midnight_Galaxy Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you are enjoying your time here, Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions! :)
Ismenia Welcome to Meep!If you wanna talk weaboo stuff I'm all up famalam :p(plz I need friends ;_; )~ @J055Y_thanks!! sounds goodWelcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you are enjoying your time here, Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions! :)~ @Midnight_Galaxyi am thank you!! :D will do!
GroovyGrevous Welcome to Meep!If you wanna talk weaboo stuff I'm all up famalam :p(plz I need friends ;_; )~ @J055Y_man of culture
Lt_Sponge Hiya! I'm Ismenia, but I usually go by the handle Stature.I'm 17, from the England and I've recently got back into Minecraft after about a year or two. I'm into a lot of different games but mainly Overwatch and Pokemon titles, and Magic: The Gathering which I've just picked up again. I also like D&D and fantasy fiction, but my interest in literature goes rather far as it's what I hope to study next year.I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on the server! ;D~ @IsmeniaI know you xDIgnore this fool, he's plagued by the curse of animep.s hello fellow overwatch player~ @LilliyaI dont like it this way