Member Name KyloMeep
Additional In Game Names: Currently none that are mine. Some of my irl friends use my other accounts
How old are you? 16, turning 17 in January
Location: York, United Kingdom
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) Around 4
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) Around 6
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's PeriHeika
When did you join Meepcraft? If I can remember correctly, August 2012
Introduction: Hello, I am James. I'm from Yorkshire in the United Kingdom and I currently study Geography, Maths and Physics at college. I work part time at a door construction company and I like building computers with my friend.
My interests include weather, computers, cinema and cars. I spend way too much time at the cinema, which I guess isn't a bad thing as I have always seen the latest films before my friends - so they don't spoil it for me.
My future ambitions will be to study meteorology at Reading University.
Why should you be Helper? Experience - I have had a lot of experience. Setting up and moderating servers is something that I am very familiar with as over the years I have helped out friends and helped build large communities. For a short time, I was staff on Meepcraft before I had to leave the server to work on exams.
Throughout school and college, I have been the leader of groups. This includes helping them specially with learning if they have difficulties and helping them to get settled in with their new environment. In school, I was always chosen to help get the new kids that joined in our year settle in. I feel that I can bring this to Meep as I have experience in helping people get started, especially this would work with new players who don't know what to do.
I have had experience also through working at businesses in real life. This translates into me knowing how to speak to people and how to help them in certain instances.
Work Ethic - I believe that you have to do the job right and not leave gaps. What I mean by this, when you start helping someone, don't leave it short. Go out of the way to help them and help them get where they need to be. This leaves a good impression on these players of myself and the server.
Loyalty - I believe it is important for people to be loyal to the place they work. This is the same with Meepcraft.
Dedication - This is something I take seriously. When I put my mind to something, I am dedicated to do it. The same will apply to Meepcraft.
Projects - I feel like if there was a project on Meep, I would be able to help out with this. On previous servers, I used to be good at planning parkour. I could shine in thinking up maps and ideas for it.
I feel that I could be a good asset to the team and definitely help out. This benefits me in the future as it gives me more time spending and helping people which I can put into real life jobs as well as helping the people who have asked for it. It also gives me an opportunity to get to know the community more and to know the game better as well.
What are your weaknesses? One of my main weaknesses is getting time to go on other forms of media for the server. I am fine with getting in game and helping but having the time to head on discord and talk is going to be a struggle. My life is busy with revising but I do make time to play on Meep throughout the week and I could use this time to also talk on discord.
Spelling is another one of my weaknesses, however this is minor, it could make me seem unprofessional when speaking to someone.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Yes, if you ever need to get in contact with me on skype, my skype account is Live:JamezMeep. I should be available on discord a lot now though. I am getting more active as I now have it on my phone.