Member Name bloodyghost
Additional In Game Names: n/a
How old are you? 16
Location: US Central Time
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3-6
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-9
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's Bloopers
When did you join Meepcraft? Around 2013-14
Introduction: Hello everyone, my name is Hayden, but most people know me as bloodyghost, bloody, ghost, goast, blood, etc. I have been playing Meepcraft off and on since around 2013 (first on a friend’s account then on my own around 2014) and have been solidly active 2016-2017. Throughout early 2016 I was staff at Peachstreet in Beta and was heavily involved with its creation and growth after the reset as a co-mayor. In this experience I learned how to help new players in the town with commands and generally finding their way around the server. I really enjoy the Meepcraft community and almost play for the social aspect of the game as much as the game itself.
Why should you be Helper? -Activity and Times
Since I am homeschooled, I have a much looser (and sometimes less intensive) schedule and long and frequent holiday breaks, etc make it easy for me to play a lot and for me to play in the US mornings, when there are sometimes no moderators (all kinds of chaos goes down).
-Experience with commands
Having played the server (and minecraft in general) as much as I have, I practically know my way around 95% of commands on the server.
-Enjoying helping people
Unfortunately I am no longer staff at Peachstreet (I resigned under good terms) but that year of practically being a mini-helper in the town has given me tons of experience and a spirit of helpfulness. I have patience for new people who need help with commands and I am knowledgeable enough to guide anyone through their first time on the server.
-Upbeat and relaxed (in a good way)
People generally describe me as one of the most relaxed people they know. A relaxed personality can coincide with laziness, but that is not the case with me. I don’t stress about things and am confident in my ability to do my best. I have a lot of tasks to do at my house and nearly never am I the one to whine or have an attitude about something I have to do.
What are your weaknesses? Sarcasm
I think a lot of people take some of my sarcastic humor as being rude, and I just wanted to clarify that I’m not the type of person to snap at people and attack people in global without provocation (or with provocation). Some people understand the humor and some people don’t. Obviously some social aspects are hard to transfer over to text, so I wholeheartedly apologize to anyone I’ve upset for that reason. I am actually a very kind person once you get to know me, and I enjoy making others laugh. Rude and or offensive behavior is not who I am and does not reflect my personality and this is something I am willing to and able to control.
I have issues sometimes with remembering tasks I am supposed to complete. I am proficient in remembering strings of numbers and things like that but if someone gives me 3 things to do, 30% of the time I will forget to do one of those things unless I write it down or remind myself in some other way. This has been a problem I have struggled with in the past, but I have improved since last year and will continue to improve as best I can. I can combat this problem by being diligent with myself in focusing and keeping lists of things I have to do.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Because of the rural area I live in, I occasionally have internet issues including slowness and occasional downtime but 80% of the time this is not an issue. I will let the staff team know at any time if I am unable to connect/play reasonably well for a long time.