PLEASE NOTE: This addition to /chest will not override the current /chest timer
If you like a cosmetic upgrade to /chest try using the chest /chests, it would look something like this.
completely disguised, apart from the my /chests sign right above it. it will allow you to access your meepchests without typing the command. How to do it is really quite simple for those who don't know
Start by placing a chest (can either be trapped or normal it doesn't matter)
Place a sign on the chest (can be anywhere so long as it is touching the chest) and write thewords above.
with the 2nd line you can either write 1, 2 or three, depending on which meepchest you would like to view when you open the chest
Once you have done that, exit off the sign formatting, the sign should break off the chest (like you've mistyped a chestshop idname) and it should give you the words in chat above.
Now when you open the chest it will open your /chests
This will only work with the players who have donated and have /chests or those who have recieved them in the perk crate
I think these make a cute addition to your storage, although these don't interfere with the current timer, I think they look really nice, and I think it's simple to do as you can walk up to them and open them instead of doing /chest