An old towny server I used to play on had meetings in TeamSpeak where the staff would answer questions from players and tell them what's going on with new updates, kind of like a Q & A. These meetings would be held once or twice a month and would improve communication between citizens and staff. An example meeting would go like this:
Staff can speak but citizens are muted in the channel
Staff: Welcome to the [date] meeting. Let's start with recent updates.
Another staff member: Recently, we have been investigating the possibility of [some update and details]...
Another staff member: Alrighty, let's get in to the discussion part. Who has something to say?
Citizen: [types something in chat that indicates a message. gets unmuted by staff and has a dialogue with staff that all other players can hear]
Staff: [response to comment / suggestion] [Mutes player and repeats the question process]
During this time, someone (staff or citizen) should take minutes of the meeting that could be incorporated in to MeepTimes.
Staff: [conclusion]
That's all. Obviously, the idea is open to change. There is certainly a benefit to these types of meetings.