Good News everyone!
(like if you get the reference)
I want to start a club for everyone who as donated to the mod Optifine and has a cape!
there is only one requirement to join, you must have an optifine cape(or an official cape works too) and I wont turn anyone who has one away(except if you are in pseudocorpse) JK
so come one and all members of the meep community with an optifine cape! and if you have a custom banner cape and it can be made with 6 steps or less you can make a banner of it and I will place it at the headquarters I will build for the club, and if no one joins I will find you (@NinjaRoxy and @xT3Kx I know for sure you have one so your on my list)
your de facto club leader, lanekids40 (or probably the de jure t3k)