Trexy Happy Holidays all you guys, and I hope you get whatever it is you want this year be it a new car, games, or someone special to you. So enjoy the season while it lasts . -Scout
Trexy no u forgot the most important holiday out of them all in that list~ @DarkKnight49xof course how could I forget Knishmas!
DarkKnight49x It is none of these holidays yet.~ @Muunkeemay the spirit of knishmas visit u and make u change ur words to feel the holiday spirit as of today
Muunkee But it's the season.. so ya know~ @TrexyGyazo - b1ba5352d9449786379b15b1bfe4e2d8.pngno its not c':
Trexy Gyazo - b1ba5352d9449786379b15b1bfe4e2d8.pngno its notc':~ @MuunkeeWell if you want to be that exact.. then yeah I guess.