We all love the headshop in towns, and skyblock. but where creativity is most looked upon is in creative, yes exclusives do have /ph spawn and there are Mhf_Apple heads and stuff, but not all decorational heads are easily spawn-in able, yet again I was thinking we could have /heads open to exclusive+ so we can get a larger scale of the usage of heads, and it will allow creativity a lot more than the standard /ph spawn heads, with the MHF spawn heads it can be incredibly difficult to find a series of heads you want, I found a few of them here Safe Playerhead Collection and I know that not all heads are accessible via /ph spawn, which is why I think /heads will be great for people who work in creative a lot, now, unlike towns or skyblock, heads would have to be free, as you can't really get them back if you place them and remove them from your inventory, this suggestion is purely for cosmetic use, as creative isn't very economic haha, but I think it could serve a huge benefit to those working on arch apps as it can add a whole new level of creativity, and I think will /ast being currently down for updates I think it could help with that, as I know /ast was a widely used cosmetic perk that has cancelled out on reasons to play creative as we can't be as creative with our 'zombie apocalypse' armour stand creations, although all the reasons I have mentioned above are my reasonings as to why this should be added, I'm unaware of the difficulty that it'll be to implement this feature, although I presume it shouldn't be too difficult, but as this is purely for cosmetic use I will say this is definitley not of high importance and I'm sure it shouldn't ever be, but I think it'll make creative a little more fun than the ol' place stuff and break stuff. but hey, I'm just a noob.