Dear fellow meepers:
This idea has been on my mind for quite a while now. School assessments have gotten longer and harder, my life is becoming a lot more complex, and there are other things to do besides minecraft. But before i get there let me tell you my story
It all started in gamma. I was a new player who was just looking for a good time. Right when i logged on i received 3-4 messages saying "Welcome to Meepcraft!" my first thought on this was that they were just auto played messages to make new players feel welcome. later i found this to be wrong. In a few seconds, i was in the towns world and received multiple messages telling me to join a town. The lucky town who i accepted was Bouville. Bouville was a brand new town owned by @LargeUnit and a branch of mooville. those first weeks were amazing. i built a nice house and made around 15k. whenever i needed something. i went to large or twomoo and they would gladly give me it. around 3 weeks in. i became assistant of the town and did loads of other things such as Christmas presents and expanding the town. Soon i became a builder and helped build loads of buildings and alot of megamall. Suddenly everything shut down. i saw a message from klutch addressing that someone had broke meep and that they were down for multiple weeks.
Those weeks were very hard because i was bored of everything else and was repeatedly checking the website for updates. Eventually, meep was back and everyone was online in a flash. all i remember of that time was me, large and a few other people spending hours fishing to scrap up 150k to start a town and when i met @TheTastyNacho. I dont remember the town he was in, but we met when i made a small house for his tiny plot. We were never great friends back then. It was jsut an occasional boat race or snowball fight. The fist town that was made was mooville. which had good intentions, but turned out poorly. i turned to large (who had changed his name to smallunit) to make a new town. That week Valiant was born. We were just a small town with a few plots. a few weeks later @Epixaid joined the town. then valiant became a massive metropolis with no citizens. It was around that time that small just dissapeared. one day he was on for 7 hours, then around 80 days passed without him getting on. around 3 months later, small was kicked from the town and epix became the mayor. we started a new valiant and got a good amount of citizens. Then my account was logged onto by my friend who i thought i could trust: superpugofficial. he completely griefed valiant and storage rooms. i ended up getting unbanned, but the day after while i was at football, he struck again and kicked 70% of our towns residents. this got me banned for around 2 weeks. in the end klutch unbanned me for a final time and i was back on. then it seemed like time stopped. valiant stopped progressing and it became more of a "storage unit" rather than a "town". Several weeks after, i began helping @Istas_Sani with their banner shop. ii've made around 15 banners there.
Soon, i was invited to tirael by @TheTastyNacho (so sad it got sold) and became comayor there. and that is where my story comes to an end and i am trusting fuzzlr with what the server willl do next.
the main few who i credit for making my time on meep amazing are: Casualnacho, Smallunit, Epixaid, LordMellow, and Istas_sani
There are many others who has made my time on meep amazing. i am not going to white that list out because i cannot number them.
I will stop by to help out a few friends occasionally, but as of right now, no. Goodbye
Thank you for reading this
See y'all soon
Sincerely ndgates