We have released some minor towns updates!
· New Command! /townlist, /townlist tp #. List and teleport to any plot claimed by your town. Available to mayor and co-mayor.
· New Command! /tstats [type], /tstats [type] [town]. Lists interesting statistics about the town. Types include plots, residents and money.
· New Command! /nstats [type], /nstats [type] [nation]. Lists interesting statistics about the nation. Types include plots, residents and towns.
· New Chat Feature! Nation titles are now displayed in town chat (/tc) and nation chat (/nc) across all worlds. Nation titles can be set by the King/Queen with /n set title [player] [title].
· New Chat Feature! Local and world chat in the towns server now displays the player’s town and nation.
· Bug Fix! All online members of the nation are now shown by /n online, as opposed to only nation staff previously. The King/Queen is shown in red, nation assistants in yellow, nation helpers in pink and mayors in green.
Thankyou to @LordInateur for helping me with the implementation of these features.
Please post any bugs to the bug report page.
Please post any new towns ideas to the suggestions page.