Member Name PainCakexx1997
Additional In Game Names: PrimalZerg
How old are you? 20
Location: Bergen,Norway GMT +1
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-5
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-6
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's NinjaRoxy
When did you join Meepcraft? early 2013ish
Introduction: Hello everyone. My name is PainCakexx or you might now me by my real name which is Øyvind. I am 20 years old and i have been playing on meep for a wile.I live in Norway/Bergen and English is my second language, so if you see any mistakes please correct me ;)
In early 2017 i got my first apprenticeship and i have been working really hard to get ready for my final exam which starts in about a year. I currently work as a CnC machining apprentice. It is a lot of fun and i feel that i am learning something new everyday. I have finally reached a point in my job where i no longer have to stress everyday. I feel that i have mastered some of basic skills that makes it easier to code in ISO and get the right measurements on the parts that i make.
I have also just started brewing beer, it is really fun and i am learning a lot about how important it is to have good work ethics so that you do not get bacteria in the mix when you make it.
During my years in school i was in the student council where i learned the importance of team work and standing together as one unit to get issues resolved.
Why should you be Helper? Lets start with Experience. Out of the 4 years i have been on meepcraft. I have been staff for about 3-3.5 of them.
I have been all over the spectrum as staff multiple times over. The reason for this is that there has been really busy times in my life which left me no room for meepcraft. And if i couldn't come on to help well then i would not be a good asset to the server.
I also have experience in taking care of an economy. I worked really hard to get meepcrafts economy stabilized during my years as a staff member. The main reason for this is that having an economy where /fix and /smelt was a constant thing. Made certain items Useless. Diamonds and Coal are 2 good examples of this. I also worked hard to get a good conversation going between everyone. By knowing when to be a little immature and knowing when not to, i think i made a lot of staff members smile from time to time.
The experience that i have gained through this time and the amount of knowledge that i have gained would be a good asset for the server.
I also believe that i have pretty good work ethics, a good example of this is that i have learned that working for my own desires comes second to the servers needs. And never letting a job go unfinished before i log off is important so that i don't make anyone feel that i have just abandoned them.
What are your weaknesses? I can get really excited if i am discussing with someone, so much so that i can scare people. Because it seems like i am angry, when i am really just trying to make a point.
I also had a tendency as a staff member to be really focused on a project and then not notice if someone was trying to contact me or even talk to me on teamspeak.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Hope you have learned a little about, and i hope that you will consider me as a solid option for staff.
Have a nice day ;)