I have have 2 incidents happen in the space of 1 month which have both involved needing a refund.
1 incident was a tp kill that was handled by cluelessklutz Someone said tpa to see happy town (i can't remember the name) and i /tpa'd and i was there for around 3 minutes and then someone pushed me into lava killing me. I lost lots of things i had in my inv (i know it was silly to even bring things) but anyway i died and lost some stuff like some heads and other things which rounded up to 7k And clueless said he would ask a admin to get me a refund.
The other incident which happened 2 or 3 days ago was someone stole my red candle head (i will keep them un-name as I'm a nice person) And i would like a refund for that.. the person who held that modreq was midnight_galaxy
I have waited a long time to get a refund for the first one so i just decided to make a refund request.
I hope you can consider my request for a refund. if you have any questions ask me in the comments.