A big part of Meep is having the community volunteer to be staff. It's kind of like a rite of passage for a lot of people. This would create an even more closed off and biased staff team (not saying that it's perfect now).
~ @junelawnchaired
Sure, I can get that but having applications creates a few issues and doesn't address some issues that have always existed. But staff shouldn't be about a rite of passage or necessarily about the community. Staffing is about the server and keeping it going and being honest a lot of younger kids that have ended up applying have made great helpers, alright mods and usually under-whelming super-mods (if they made it that far). It doesn't take much to be a good helper but when you get to the higher ranks that deal with policy, it turns out a vast majority of teenagers just don't necessarily think in the way solutions should be thought of, there isn't much "big picture" viewpoints from a younger age.
Additionally applications creates pressure on staff to accept a certain number of them when realistically they should be denying most all applications except those that give the impression that they are above and beyond the run of the mill candidacy.
The norms of MeepCraft need to be toss out because those norms got the server to the place it's at now, which isn't very spectacular.
As for the "changes" - I sure hope they are real lol. Last time we closed apps, nothing changed but we told the community that we were "fixing" things.
~ @junelawnchaired
Apps should be closed because the server really doesn't need much more staff currently. There are 10 staff under admin which is more than adequate to deal with a server with a 50 player playerbase at any one time.
There are more admins than any other staff.