Member Name MasterofBoom
Additional In Game Names: N/A
How old are you? Twelve
Location: Missouri, United States
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 6-10
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 7-10
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's @EllieEllie @Vampire_Man @Lady_Hestia @AdrianBfaust
When did you join Meepcraft? First in September 2015, but stayed in January 2017
Introduction: Well hello there, I’m Boom. I’ve got about a billion nicknames, so doesn’t matter what you call me. Kittyboom, Boom, Master, DarthBoom, DarthCactus (Great story behind that one), kitybom (also a story), and all the rest, doesn’t make a difference. I first came around in September 2015 after a longtime factions friend asked me to come play Boomo with them. So I came, played a few rounds of that, and left again.
I’m always off doing my own thing, and I can’t say the server interested me all that much. However, I decided to give it a shot once again during the January reset. This time was different, however, and I adored working in the town of Legend, building it with the rest of the people there from the ground up.
Today, I hold the rank of Legend co-mayor, and constantly mess around with my own things in the town. I enjoy playing Halo, engineering things in Creative, building up my town, and numerous other tasks I perform.
Last year, when I was eleven, I became interested in the changes to command blocks being used to create advanced commands. Looking up a bunch of vanilla mods (modifications to the game using command blocks), I dissected them and taught myself to program completely from the ground up using trial and error. Using these skills, I have a significant understanding of the way Minecraft operates. In addition to my extensive knowledge of commands, I have also taught myself from the ground up on the usage of server components like installing plugins, setting them up, and then using them. So far, I’ve managed to imagine the concept for, design, and implement two minigames that have logged more than sixty players called Skyfort and Village Builder, complete with their own challenges, lore, and storylines.
I greatly enjoy interacting with people, and constantly play other games (besides Minecraft) with people from Meep. It’s been quite the experience to join such a vast and diverse community. One thing most who have played with me a lot can attest to is my ability to PvP. I have a great time when people I play against accuse me of hacking (even though I’m nowhere near as good as some of the old PvPers from around here).
Outside of Minecraft, there’s not a whole lot to me. I spend the vast majority of my time inside at my computer. I’m a huge fan of the Mario games, and have fully mastered both Super Mario Galaxy games (including the Perfect Run).
In my non-virtual life, I live in Kansas City, Missouri. The only family I have that you’d know is Ck, of course, who is the one who really got me into the server.
Why should you be Helper? For me, a “Helper” and a strong community member aren't all that different. Both are active on all aspects of the server, honest about issues without being overly negative, easy to work with, among other things.
However, one of the greatest differences between someone in the community and server staff is the ability and mindset of moderation. For those that know me well, they already are well aware of my clear understanding of the fine line between being fun and easygoing (Let’s burn the Capitol some more, Adrian!), and recognizing when things have gone too far, and need to stop, such as when I handled an issue between the Adrian mentioned above, who was trespassing on Blue_Marlin’s property.
One thing I specialize in is troubleshooting issues, whether they be Redstone, commands, client-side issues, or computer errors. Thanks to my experience with the game's systems and mechanics in programming my own creations directly into the game’s interface, as well as server knowledge, it makes me ideal for this.
Essentially, my goal is to improve anything, in whatever way I can. There's a lot I have been able to do unofficially, as I have assisted the staff team on numerous occasions when dealing with that the game can handle, and certainly better prepares me for an official position.
As I previously mentioned, I'm quite experienced when it comes to combat. New or old combat, there are always hackers. One ability I can “bring to the table,” so to speak, is the ability to recognize hacking from skill, especially in combat. I've already taken the liberty of downloading the Prism plugin for myself to use on private worlds, which means I require little training in this.
One area most of you are well aware of my passion in is suggestions for the server. Balancing is a delicate act, and must constantly be fine-tuned. When I am coming up with whatever random idea pops into my head, it's important to ask how it will benefit things, how or can it be abused, and are there strong reasonings against it? My own personal goal in making suggestions is to implement things that either balance out something (like Ctf), increase donations (Vein Miner and /feed), or simply make gameplay more enjoyable (like changing combat). It takes a little imagination is o create things, like just today I tested out three new custom mobs on one of my mini games. The first one was far too overpowered, the second was too easy, and the third didn't do much. Sure, it wasn't perfect on the first try, but that's why I collected feedback from the players, and then implemented changes based on their suggestions. The goal of the player on a server is to have fun. Simple, enjoyable, lasting fun. However, the server also needs its support, so it needs to be balanced, as well. Tying these two together is what creates balance, and it constantly needs to be adjusted.
Being a leader in the town of Legend is not unlike being a staff member. Everyday, you need to work with new players, and work to retain them in your town to keep it growing. You need to settle disputes between residents arguing over whatever it may be. You need to keep it under control, and not let it get way out of hand even when you're just having a little fun. Even more, there's the simple matter of interacting with people, as well as working with and organizing your team. There's no way one person could do it on their own. While it applies to everyone, I've found one of the toughest things to get to is the ability to accept that someone else is right, and maybe they know better than you.
Overall, I see Helper as an opportunity. An opportunity to give back, and really work to improve the server.
What are your weaknesses? -Discord
I'll be the first to admit, I'm not terribly active on Discord. I'll use it every once in a while when I'm playing team games with people from the server, but I can definitely try to be more active on it.
While I'm completely open to criticism, I can be insanely stubborn about my decisions. If anything, I can be a bit proud of this trait in myself. I stick to my guns, and don't back down at times when I probably should. However, I recognize my own flaw in this, and am learning to be far more open-minded to other ideas.
I'm well aware this this seems odd. People don't normally guess my age too easily (I'm just glad it's usually up rather than down). Still, I'm younger than the rest of the entire current staff team. However, while my age might seem to be a great detraction, I try to more than make up for this with my overall maturity and reasoning. I'm the little brother, so I've always advanced to things before those in my age group. While other kids were watching their first education programs, I was finishing the third season of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.” (Take a guess who picked that out)
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: If you still don't feel like you know me, I'm always open to conversations. Message me on Discord, forums, or in-game anytime you'd like, and I'll certainly be happy to answer questions, or just have a good time doing stuff. Thanks for reading!