Pmx728 While most were to see family, my family loves to travel. I've been to Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica, Aruba, St Maarten, St Thomas, St Kits, Curacao, Venezuela, all up the east coast, Texas, Utah, Nevada.
ZestyWheathin no the pianobone is. there is a piano/keyboard thingyyyyy attached to the slide of the trombone. (yeah totally not fake)
Toostenheimer Yeeeeessssss!!!!!! The trombone take over!!!! :DTrombones shall be declared the instrument of the world!Trrrrrooommmmbboooonnneeeeeesssss!!!!!In short trombones!The trombone empire ;)~ @iKittenI used to play trombone, then I switched to percussion.Percussion is better. ;)
CyborgZeroX That sounds like it was fun! :DDid you go to all fifty of the states?~ @iKittenNah, I traveled a lot to Dallas to see my wife when we were dating. Only time we go back to Dallas is to visit her family.
GingerManOWNS I love to travel! Now I have only been two different countries which is the one I live in USA and I traveled to Canada. States though: Connecticut - Currently here visiting Bob4444444Pennsylvania- where I live lol New York Maryland South Carolina Virginia Indiana Ohio MassachusettsBut I am trying to go to the UK this upcoming spring
Juanphis I just finished a year of traveling so heres my list:-US (Miami, Florida, Texas, NY, Washington DC, San Francisco, Colorado)-Guatemala-Nicaragua-Honduras-El Salvador-Panama-Costa Rica-England-Spain (Ibiza, Madrid, Barcelona)-France-Italy/The Vatican-Portugal- Czech Republic-Germany-Croatia-Montenegro-SwitzerlandI have fotos of all the places so if you want I could put up some from where you guys are interested
Lilliya While I've never been overseas, I have traveled a lot through out my homeland of New Zealand, personally I love it and I would like to explore overseas more, I am heading to Melbourne in less than a months time for just under a week, sight-seeing does really set off something for mePlaces I'd like to visit are Switzerland, Russia, US, Canada, Scandinavia, and Japan, though I'd like to travel anywhere if possible
iKitten Wow! Everyone has went to fantastic places! I love to hear about where everyone has been and where they want to go, very enlightening :D
SpongeyStar New Zealand - Christchurch~ @Klingyou could have gone south a little and seen me ;)Anyways ya I haven't been to many places but I really wanna visit America and see the theme parks and all that jazz....I'd also like to see Denmark and those cool Europe countries
iKitten Oohhh, sounds like a fun plan :DRight now I am in Hyderabad, India, and in about a week I am going to Dubai
iKitten You will get to Sweden! Someday in the near future! You will make it! I am sure! (4 exclamation marks, you can do it! Make that 5 :D)
Natsu Wow I'll be close to Sweden when I fly through Helsinki this weekend!I have a friend from Sweden he's chill
DancingCactus pretty sure everyone likes to traveli think it comes down to who actually has time and money to travel