One of the demands microsoft made for us when EULA was enforced was to remove world edit in creative. Before, anyone Exclusive+ had the ability to use worldedit in any creative plot they had permissions on. Since then, we've stopped listening to EULA and re-implemented plenty of features that were previously available. The only ones we didn't re-implement (such as /fix, /spawner, spawner mining, etc.) were left out because we believed it hurt the economy more than it helped. However, world edit in creative seems like it was overlooked.
If it wasn't overlooked and was left out intentionally, a possible reason for this is the abuse of worldedit to create lag. However, if we have it like we used to, where only exclusive+ has worldedit, lag would rarely be a problem. People who have put as much time and money as they have to get exclusive, they would likely not risk getting banned for such a moronic reason.
TL; DR Let Exclusive+ have worldedit in creative it'll be great I promise