So today I was helping a meeper work on a cactus farm and I was placing sand and then I got stuck in a ghost block and before I warped I fell onto cactus and my items despawned. I modreqed in-game and DarkKnight49x said to file this and sent me a list in forums message.
1 dia sword, ub 3 sweep 3
1 god pick fortune
1 dia shovel, eff 4, silk 1
1 iron axe
1 fishing rod ub 3, luck 2, lure 2
18 sand
1 god fishing rod
1 rod luck 3 lure 3
2 sunflower
shulker boxes 7
15 steak
1 dia helm projectile 1, aqua 1
1 dia chest, ub 1, projectile 2 thorns 1
1 dia leggings fire 3, ub 3
1 dia boots projectile1, depth 2
1 dis pick eff 4, fortune 3
I would like to be refunded in items if possible.
The date was 6/23/17 9:30 ish pm.
these glitches happen when you place real fast or mine real fast and sometimes you fall through..