OKNEM So excited for Ultimate!!! Thank you so much! ~ @jadenPete*winky face with slight aggression imposed*
jadenPete *winky face with slight aggression imposed*~ @OKNEMLMFAO we're gonna get you ult Oknem, no matter how long it takes.
smk I'd like to get elite to supreme for 600k whenever you can sellSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
missy1480 @smk ok it will probably be sooner since there is a deal going in i might rank some august people today
missy1480 yes @OKNEM@Acceleradiance @OKNEM @UkiIsTrash are the dates I put you as fine sorry its so long its just what I can afforddammit I forgot to add @smk and @casual_blue exclusiveok post is now fully up to date I will not accept anyone else after this date till these ranks are done.......also some will get ranked sooner depending on when sale's go on I don't know when they do so lol
UkiIsTrash Ooo who will that sooner person be? There is currently a sale 25% off I think pretty sure if I could be the sooner person that would be great but if not I understand :)
missy1480 @UkiIsTrash ik the sale going on now i just am broke so cant do anything im talking about future sales if they have some
smk I'd like to get elite to supreme for 600k whenever you can sellSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk~ @smkI got supreme from a different seller during the sale. But thank you!
UkiIsTrash I think she said she will not accept any more requests until her current requests are filled but I might have read it wrong @Historicmush