This is the official page of the Ender Knight Supply Co. The top will have up to date information and update logs will be posted in comments. Feel free to comment as well in the comments section though!
As of October 11th, the EK Supply Co. is now only available at /pwarp Depot.
Follow these directions:
1. /pwarp Depot (This takes you to the Depot lobby)
2. Sneak then stop sneaking while standing on a red carpet in the lobby area
3. Arrive in the EK Supply Co.
EK Supply Co. Services
Crafting Services
This small area has an ender chest, enchanting table, crafting table, and an anvil.
The Warp Book - Currently unavailable for purchase
This area sold The Warp Book v1 and The Warp Book v2. The Warp Book is a series of written books categorizing pwarps (general stores, specialty stores, gambling places, utilities, malls) before ranking them. There is also extra information such as price estimates at pwarps. Volume 2 had preorders available to buy during its production.
Warp Book items were sold by throwing on the carpet. A hopper would take the item and return to the a player a Warp Book (if the player sold a Preorder book) or allow the player to earn 500 meebles by creating space in the adjacent chest to sell one string for 500 meebles.
Warp Book items are sold from "slot" machines due to the nature of the chestshop plugin. The player will always be given their item, though it comes from a hopper instead of by a plugin.
Volume 1 has 32 pages of information about all pwarps as of May 26th. This includes pricing information and ranked lists of pwarps within catagories.
The Warp Book v2 includes an updated set of pwarps along with better calculated price estimates and a redone format of gambling areas and utilities.
The Preorder Book for v2 was sold in the same way as The Warp Book. This returned to the seller one copy of The Warp Book v2 via the dropper.
Buying suggestions:
1. Those with a preorder book can sell it to get a copy of v2, essentially saving 250 meebles (25%).
2. Those with a preorder book and v1 can sell both items to get v2 and 500 meebles in gold, essentailly saving 750 meebles (75%).
3. Those with v1 can sell it to recieve 500 meebles in gold. This refunds if the book was bought after v2 became available or half a refund if v1 was bought before v2 became available.
4. v2 can also be sold for 500 meebles in gold.
Mining Goods
Available items are all ores and their subsequent drops. All prices are compared to all other /pwarps . This information is used so any better priced goods at a /pwarp will result in the shop's stock being bought out or the EK Supply Co. changing prices to be at an equal or better price. The store then has the lowest buy prices and highest sell prices of all Meepcraft /pwarps. All sell prices are also 80% or higher of the buy price. The shop earns meebles by players selling to the shop, so feel free to sell! This service was created to make searching for these simple items easy, as no player has to look for or remember great deals, just buy them with a guaranteed best price.
Wood Goods
Currently available are all logs and wood planks. As with all Mining Goods, all Wood items have prices compared to create the best prices. Also, all sell prices are 80% or greater of the buy price!
- Fixed iron's sell price to 2.5 as /pwarp $ is full of iron.
- Closed off the lottery area more fully.
- Made B1 smaller and less volimnus.
- Spent over an hour attempting to fix The Warp Book shop. Still broken.
- Reopened up the lottery
- Replaced B1 floor chests with lottery dispensers (Making book buying possible)
- Added a sell machine for The Warp Book v1
- Added a carpet to the lottery
- Added preorder books for The Warp Book v2
- Changed some signs on floor B2
- Multiple edits to modernize information on the forums page
Updates slowed a bit as I took a few days off of Meepcraft. I will not be on for the next couple of days either.
*Permanently closed the lottery due to changes in /lottery
*Added a sign to some construction chests
*Ran out of gold ore
*Still out of nether quartz ore
*Gold ore prices changed
*Anvil replaced in level L1
*Possibly edited the forums page
Some news on The Warp Book v2:
*All 50 current pwarps are mostly catagorized
*Decisions about item info has been decided (What items count as low, medium, or high value)
*Decisions about periods in formating (Always put periods in lists, but not if it adds another line)
This passage was added to the forums page:
Testing for a replacement of level B2 have taken place. The plan is to add EK Jobs (Ender Knight Jobs). This system will allow players to pay a certain amount of meebles to work a job. The player receives high end items to easily complete their task (Collect a certain number of items such as wood or ores). The player will also be given an information book about where and how to sell items in the future and the best ways to complete their job. Once the required items are collected, the player returns those items and an identification book given to them at the beginning to a chest to receive meebles totaling more than the number payed to start the job.Wow, this page needed some updates!
*Added lots of information about The Warp Book to the forums page
*Updated minor details in forum page
*Updated major details in forum page
*Released The Warp Book v2
*Set up selling of The Warp Book v2
*Set up selling of Preorder of v2
*Added a sign to B2 to explain it's removal
*Updated all prices in B3
*Added an anvil to L1
*Updated Level Key on level L1
*Added more construction chests
*Put new cake out at level B3
*Added items to stock of B3
Diamond ore and nether quartz ore are still out of stock. The store will buy from players to fill stock somewhat.*Added a page updates header
*Changed Iron's price from 7 to 8 to 10.
*Changed iron's sell price to 8
*Changed redstone's buy price from 0.11 to 0.3
*Restocked iron, coal, and iron ore multiple times