The point of perks are to make small advantages, or in other words, improve the "quality of life" for players, in ways that aren't game-breaking or ruin the experience for players who haven't donated. /feed is exactly that; it's just a little quality of life thing to make it less of a hassle for food.
As you said food is very easy to get. And you can also /warp towns and stand in the tavern door and it will fill your food bar.
Yes it is another perk, but to me it is not necessary.
In my opinion, -1ing a perk of all things because it's unnecessary is a little silly and kind of misses the point of perks in the end. The point is that the reasoning for removing /feed, ie. to promote a food market for the new economy, hasn't worked in practice. Therefore, there is no reason to
not add /feed as a QOL perk because of the ease of access to food anyways.
Of all the perks that can be added to the game, /feed is one of the only ones I can think of that doesn't give a huge advantage to donators while still being somewhat useful. This puts it in contrast with /effect, which doesn't give a huge advantage but it completely useless, and /fly for example, which gives an advantage. We already have useless perks. /feed is essentially a perfect "middle of the spectrum" between advantageous and overpowered vs completely useless.
By no means should it be a priority, but it doesn't mean it's not a good suggestion.
EDIT: Just realized this may already be On Trello as a collection of other perk suggestions. The Trello card and suggestion don't say which perks were accepted, but /feed was mentioned by name in the related MeepTimes.