Member Name Fire_Wolf04
Additional In Game Names: None
How old are you? 21
Location: Currently Egypt
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3-5
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-5
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's Courtneyyy
When did you join Meepcraft? 2014? been a while
Introduction: Hey I'm Wolf, I've never been good at talking about myself but I'm currently living in Egypt for the year. I study computer science back in the US. While here I find myself more interested in computer security and penetration testing, but I’m also learning java since I have too much time where I end up sitting around.
Why should you be Helper? Honestly I wanted to go for tech but I don’t think I have the skill set just yet to go for that but I wanted to help the server in some way and what other way to do that than being staff and helping players
What are your weaknesses? Weaknesses would be I'm a rather quiet person so I don’t really talk much in chat nor have I been on discord much. Where I am for the year has weird Wi-Fi so somedays I won’t be able to get on making my schedule a bit unpredictable.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I was banned a few months ago which I’m sure may be brought up in this there are a few people who know what happen but I won mind explaining what happen to staff that don’t already know. Also I've always been bad at writing and I apologize but please feel free to mgs me and ask me anything else you’d want to know about me.
~ @Fire_Wolf04
I haven't seen you in game, so I can't say much about your in game activity. Based on the application, you seem like a mature applicant that I can totally see being staff in the the future. The downfall really lies with your why section because it was incredibly weak. First you mentioned that you want to go for tech but you don't have the skills yet, which is totally unrelated. And then, your last sentence states that you want to 'help the server in some way and what other way to do that than being staff and helping players'. That's the only thing anyone can get from this application; a cliche answer. The best way to break up the why section is to break it up into traits or aspects that make you a good candidate. A simple format for this would be:
Ex: Dedication:
When did you have dedication to a goal or challenge?
How did you achieve this?
How did completing or staying focused on the goal effect you?
Do you strive to be dedicated to any goal you might have after that experience? How and Why?
How can you apply this to being a staff member on meep?
How can this make you a better candidate than other applicants?
Try explaining each aspect by taking a past experience and then explain it's effects on you and how it would connect to your position as a staff member. For the why section, more is better, but keep in mind that it needs to be effective, direct, and specific. I suggest looking at accepted applications to get a look as to how a strong application would look like, and then looking at denied applications to see where they went wrong/or how their application might of not been suitable.
In conclusion, I have a good feeling about you as staff member. While your application was weak, I could see some hints of potential. Good luck!