Okay, so please don't make fun of someone you've never spoken to. It's tactless, immature and down right rude. I'd love to have a proper conversation sometime because I like getting to know everyone, but until then reserve your judgement.
I am not one-dimensional but being positive is a large party of my personality. Such as being curious and calculative seems to be a large part of yours.
I haven't changed since becoming a staff member, I talk a lot more and that's about it. I do my job well, don't insinuate that a positive personality holds someone back.
Additionally, with speaking to and seeing every single staff member pretty much every day, it's an insult to them to say we're all the same because I could name all of their different likes and personality traits and have a unique representation of each person.
I'm proud of my achievements, that signature is for myself, not for you.
For the other things, I agree with you because I would have liked to have seen where vkl could go.
~ @EllieEllie
I'm not saying that members of team are exactly the same, I'm saying that a majority of them have the exact same personality when they're playing online. Seriously, I've been on this server for five years and been on the staff team twice, and I've probably seen every worthwhile staff member come and go. I'm glad you're a positive person, I love positive people, but the problem with the positivity is that some people take it way too far and restrict themselves from being assertive and showing opinions. In my five years of playing, I have never seen someone who is hyperpositive like this ever become more than a mod with one exception, Junelawnchaired.
I've noticed a trend that every single staff member who actually gets stuff done doesn't trivialize themselves with acting positive, they are assertive and not afraid to get their hands dirty. Its why I think that positivity as a staff member is a juvenile mistake that gets fixed with age. Machiavelli once wrote that the best way to rule is with assertiveness, being nice all the time will lead to your subjects taking advantage of you and not taking you seriously.
It's common sense, really. When you're too busy limiting yourself by acting positive, you're going to do exactly whats asked by higher up staff members and nothing else. You'll never break the mold, you'll never have an actual opportunity to define yourself as a character because you're doing exactly what you're told. Thats why I think all these hyper positive people are the same.
I'd also like to point out that I dont care about the reason for your signature, I just found it interesting that literally every other staff member (except flamedemond2, who is a staff member I'd consider who "broke the mold") in this thread has the same exact one.
I feel as though you have some misinformation regarding the people you are referring to. Each of these players were great staff, but it wasn't because they weren't afraid to conform, it's because they all offered different and new ideas/perspectives. In some cases, yes they went to extremes to make such points, but it had nothing to do with their inability to conform. It's quite the contrary actually. Each of them understood that there is an order to things. They understood how to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively.
This is not to say that Frank is not capable of doing the same, but we have our own reasons for denying the app. I will not however be going into any detail as to these reasons here. You can't honestly expect to come storming back asking how the hell someone wasn't promoted, when you yourself haven't exactly been very active.
On a side note, all the staff you mention are a personal opinion of what a good staff member looks like. Not fact.
~ @Flamedemond2
Of course what I'm saying isnt based on fact its an argument based on emotion, your entire argument was also structured in the same way. You saying the following things: wasn't afraid to conform"..."went to extremes"..."inability to conform"..."each understood there is an order to things"..."They understood how to communicate" is all based on opinion. It isn't wrong to have opinion in arguments, but don't criticize me for it.
Theres a lot of proof to support my argument that impactful staff members don't follow the positivity shtick. Staff members who didnt care about positivity, like every single admin appointed and many good supermods, didn't care about positivity at all. I implore you to provide an example of an impactful staffmember (excluding junelawnchaired) that managed to make a lasting impact on the server with the positvity cliche. I can list examples to support my argument, but I'm swamped for finals right now, mail me if you want them and I'll be happy to provide examples.
You're right, I haven't been active lately, but I know a lot of members on the staff team personally and even worked with some of them. I'm very active on the forums, and I feel like I can make opinions on people by seeing what they post.