I'm sorry, I just don't get why you guys don't want VKL as mod. It makes absolutely no sense.
How are you guys not bored of the typical staff member? Hell, half of the staff team literally has the same personality, you know what I'm talking about, the kind of personality where they're scared to not act super positive all the time and have the stupid snap chat filter selfie/anime profile picture.
How do you guys not go on your knees and beg for someone like VKL to offer to join your force? Finally, some variety! VKL hasn't changed, and thats wonderful, it shows that he doesnt want to conform. I'd like to stress that last point. Every single phenomenal staff member (Deinen, Rosenow, Jackl, Sjoe, Muunkee, Klutch) wasn't afraid to conform, and thats what made them good staff members. They werent afraid, like some of our current staff members, to act 100% fake all the time.
Itll provide some much needed excitement, and there's literally nothing bad he can do. Seriously, whats the worst thing he can do?