So basically i'm selling logs. Ill keep an updated list of all the logs i have in stock in this thread. Either comment below, pm me, or msg me whenever im in game. I will harvest logs if ordered, if the desired amount of logs is not in stock for the variety you want. This incurs no additional fee. I will offer a 10% discound on any order of over 20 stacks of logs (1280). Base price varies by log type.
Oak- 2 stacks, 3 meebles per log (192 per stack)
Birch- 52 stacks, 3.5 meebles per log (224 per stack)
Spruce- 6 stacks, 3.5 meebles per log (224 per stack)
Jungle- 24 stacks, 2.5 meebles per log (160 per stack)
Dark Oak- 8 stacks, 3.5 meebles per log (224 per stack)
Acacia- 5 stacks, 4 meebles per log (216 per stack)