boombox123 Bug: /plot merge is broken IGN: boombox123 + Jellobean1 Date of Bug: 12/5/17 Summary of Bug: won't let plots merge ); Evidence of Bug: Additional information: );
Marthacuddles How is this broken?, You sent a merge request to merge with jellybean, they have to accept in order for the two plots to merge.
Muunkee How is this broken?, You sent a merge request to merge with jellybean, they have to accept in order for the two plots to merge.~ @Marthacuddleslook in the second screenie where the text says "Plots have been merged" but they clearly are not merged.
boombox123 How is this broken?, You sent a merge request to merge with jellybean, they have to accept in order for the two plots to merge.~ @Marthacuddleslook in the second screenie where the text says "Plots have been merged" but they clearly are not merged.~ @Muunkeeyeah @Marthacuddles actually look before you send hate