Hayden_2004 I'm town websites for free they come with a free town email from yahoo and a fully themed custom websites all I need is the name of the town a few photos of it and that's all then I'll make it and publish it to you guys via convo
Marshy_88 Squarespace.com/phil~ @WeAreNumberUnoWeebly is free though, and less complicated. I tried square space from Leo Laporte once and very thing I put in was swedish.
Hayden_2004 I use GamerLaunch to make them they are free and easy to make and take around 5 hours to make one site
Wiggle_Waggle I use GamerLaunch to make them they are free and easy to make and take around 5 hours to make one site~ @Hayden_2004or you can spend 20+ hours using html and make a good looking website unlike gamerlaunch (wtf is that)