[FONT=Georgia]The supply drop is depicted as a treasure chest that regenerates in a random location at /warp wild in intervals of approximately thirty minutes. When a supply drop is not found within the set interval, it despawns and a new one is generated. Inside these chests is randomized loot that frequently consists of cactus, gems, and diamond armor. Players can occasionally compete for this chest by tracking it with the command /supplydrop.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia]I took a quick sample of three supply drops, and the loot is shown below:[/FONT]
Using average prices from various shops and vshop, each supply drop can reach up to a value of $500 each. To many people, this amount of profit is not much, and can easily be emulated by easier and more entertaining methods. Acknowledging the fact that the chest appears once every thirty minutes and navigating wild to search for it can be quite annoying, many people do not choose to use the supply drop as a source of supplies or income. For this reason, the supply drop has gotten less popular and often takes up chat by stating:
To encourage players to compete for the supply drop and make the challenge worthwhile, the value of the loot found in the treasure chest should be drastically increased. This can either be done by increasing the frequency of each item possible to be found in a supply drop, or by adding new items that allow players to interact with the economy more. To prevent the items from losing value from being so common in these chests, the times at which the supply drop respawns should also be greatly increased, preferably to a series of set times throughout the day, once every day or even once every week. This will encourage players to go to wild and compete for this special chest, making the supply drop system more efficient and useful. Additionally, the interaction between players during competition may cause players to gather more supplies to engage in PvP, encouraging the circulation of more combat-related items that have also lost their popularity with terrarium.
It should also be noted that with the current fifty-block radius, the supply drop can be found quite easily, even with the anti-xray plugin that temporarily hides the chest from a distance. To make this feat more challenging, extra obstacles should be added, such as an increased radius, more frequent/enhanced mobs, etc. If possible or easy enough to do, the supply drop should also be able to spawn below the surface, giving a longer interval of time for players to engage with each other. Finally, to prevent the distribution of an unfair advantage to ranked players, the /dis plugin should be disabled in the region during the time the supply drop is active. Using these methods just as an example, I believe that the supply drop can be made more beneficial to the economy and the community.
The value of the items found in the supply drop should be increased, with the time between each new generation decreased. This is to encourage combat-related and economic interaction between players. The supply drop should be depicted as a more special event where more players will compete to achieve.
format not stolen from CluelessKlutz