More like /c challenges than /is level ... For example, there's a challenge to collect 64 cobble. Why not as a town collect 64,000 cobble? Or 128,000 potatoes? Or 10,000 of each kind of wood?
The idea would be to address an economy issue: tons of supply, but demand doesn't match. By having a series of town challenges, it would require coordinated effort from the town staff and residents to accomplish goals and reach status of "competent", "advanced", "expert", and so on.
For example, there's a challenge in sb to generate 64 cobble. In towny, that might be successively 6400, 12800, 25600, etc.
I've been thinking that "grand scale" or "monument" style challenges would fulfill an economic role: i.e. creating a demand for surplus items, and have been enjoying the new sb challenges so much, it occurred to me there might be a fit.
But that's pretty sketchy, just the outlines of a suggestion. But FWIW.