Problem: I see no point in having a system which means players have to swap between jobs (and with current bugs, lose all their levels). Players can freely swap between jobs anyway, which means that having to swap is literally just more off-putting, unnecessary effort.
Solution: Have no selectable jobs, instead opt to have every player in every job.
~ @Achmed
Sort of, I'd say +1 to be able to join 1 or 2 extra jobs per rank to make it easier and give out a new perk. Because new perks are great.
Problem: New players joining and quickly figuring out there are very few fun or quick ways to make $$$ is just blatantly off-putting. Not good if we're trying to increase the player base.
Solution: Add a message when new players join teaching them saying in big, bold, obvious text something along the lines of 'You've been given $5000 (yes this probably needs a buff) meebles to get you started! Read the tutorial to learn how to make more!' Which brings me to my next point.
Problem: We don't have a tutorial.
Solution: Add a tutorial. Keep it simple. Teach players how to get to towns, get to the wild, make money, and join a town. We don't need a billion signs trying to spontaneously instil morals and ethics into new players. If they have had any form of a half decent upbringing, they should know not to cuss, advertise, etc. anyway.
~ @Achmed
+1 to both of these, but I offer a different idea
Start players out with 500 meebles
spawn them in tutorial so the first lines they see are:
"Use /g for global chat and /help for useful information!"
"You have $500 meebles to start off!"
"Follow the tutorial to earn a bonus 2500!"
This buffs new players starters by 500 meebles so its an even 3K, and players who leave immediately don't spawn in as much.
Giant +1 for the tutorial, but really simplify it. I LOVED the tutorial we had before there were problems with the portals from the last spawn. It had different environments, the holos were neat, it was easy to follow and read. If we could fix that up, add some more in some places and leave out other things, then it would be much better and give players an easier idea of where to go.
Problem: Ranks aren't worth the money.
Solution: Rank prices should be lessened, $320 for a rank is outrageous and an unrealistic ask for most younger players (which constitute the majority of our community). This is especially relevant now that the EULA has been enforced and perks have been made dramatically less useful.
~ @Achmed
I'll say +1 to lowering supreme and ultimate. I don't think the others really need a lowering
Idea -
rank prices from VIP - ult: 10, 20, 40, 80, 120, 160
This way once you get elite you're paying $40 for each increase after that. And it's nowhere near as awful. Still a lot, and it'll give us hella bonus. I'm not sure how it'd program with the existing ranks and prices but I'd hope our magical admins can find a way
Problem: Not quite sure what's going on with creative plots and why I can claim five but the majority of other players can only claim one.
Solution: I'd say either give players larger plots or allow players to claim at least four plots (which can be /plot merge'd).
~ @Achmed
99% sure this is a donor perk again.
I don't know what the numbers were before. I know ults had 5 or 6 but cits and VIPS could only claim 1
No idea but I'd +1 to add it to the donor perks if it's not already there. Again, perks are nice
Problem: Donor shop is just weird at the moment.
Solution: Add items that would actually be useful. Before the reset I used the grappling hook constantly and the glass pick was incredibly useful.
-No one's going to pay 400k for an end portal frame when they can just just buy a tpa in for 10k or more likely, free. Remove.
-Due to the slightly unnatural amount of thunderstorms recently, skeleton horse eggs certainly aren't worth 100k. Remove.
-I have a thing for baby polar bears, so I'd love to see polar bear eggs in the shop. Add.
-Elytras. I also have a thing for getting high and jumping off tall things. Add.
~ @Achmed
+1 to add glass pick, maybe a nerfed grappling hook (can only move 10-20 blocks max) or disallow it in wild
I wouldn't say remove end portals, but 100% they should be lowered if they're at 400K lolol
Again for skelly eggs, if they're common, they can still be bought, they're still neat, just lower it.
+1 to add bears
- No for elytra, they spawn naturally, I think that should be fine enough. Good to keep a market up if we can
Problem: Minigames seem overvalued in the scheme of the whole server.
Solution: Focus mainly on towny, and if minigames are to be re-added, make them simple ones that don't require large amounts of players (because we don't have large amounts of players).
~ @Achmed
This shouldnt even have to be a suggestion
Problem: I'm running out of stuff to complain about.
Solution: Admit to myself that this reset was a great thing on the whole,
~ @Achmed
-1 wow ur the worstststststtttt