Hello I am Tyler Parsons, (better known as PlasmaTy or Plasmatic Monki)
I have been acquainted with MeepCraft since it's empirical-like population back in Early 2013, throughout the years I have witnessed high and low points of the server and its impact on how mainstream IPs are ran to this day.
Since I have lately been busy with real-life conundrums and missed out on Meepcraft's 2015-2016 server life I felt as though proper reintroduction into it's community was critical for becoming a proper member once more.
As of now I am 16 and since at the time it wasn't "okay" for anyone under the adult age to play Minecraft (for reasons that are unbeknownst to me) so I had to unfortunately falsify my age in order to gain acceptance regarding town ownership and general positivity which will explain the aging of my profile as it claims for me to be "19". Regardless, MeepCraft was where I learned practically all things basic for the Minecraft multiplayer experience, at the time it had everything you wanted from PVP to the mesmerizing Town and Economy plugins whom albeit dated today, were among the most intricately crafted server modifications you could play at the time, (remember this is Craftbukkit Era, server owners had a lot to worry about then). I had learned about PvP the hard way by dying in that scary box they had under the spawn, to get into the arena you had to descend these staircases that would meet at the bottom where practically everybody died because of the strategic use of the anti-PvP zones that basically cursed those sections and usually caused a "who-makes-the-first-move" type of scenario that was almost always the downfall of my climb for loot and good.
The town aspect of Meepcraft was almost like a whole other game, I had ran a rather dense town with a community member whos name I have since forgotten. Township was serious business for the people of Meepcraft and every town had its own kind of life and rules, Status in general was pure raw power and was pretty much the name of the game, the more powerful you got, the more fun it was to play, backstabbing and politics were real things that REALLY happened in the bigger towns, I myself witnessed my own fall from luxurious Meep-life after I was caught with stolen goods from a fellow town member I had framed for something I do not recall, I do know that I thought the player had been exiled from the town and I went to go raid his goodies, which was on my part a poor idea as I was already under suspicion for running a fraudulent Hotel (I made new town members pay me a couple hundred meebles to stay their first night in this giant Hotel I had built, even though there really wasn't a point to it r.o.f.l) Anyhow that was my Town experience and needless to say it was much better than real life seventh grade for me and was the main reason I fell in love with MC multiplayer, there was that and the parkour that came later, you could also talk to the admins sometimes which was super cool to my thirteen year old self however Fuzzlr wasn't very talkative and very busy so I would just P.M him weird things to see if the guy would respond, (Fuzzlr talking to you would be like the second coming of Jesus for the average Meep player)
Well that was a few of my past experiences and I hope for more as perhaps a piece of the crew in the background who made all that possible, Cheers.