Yesterday the wild was down. I was waiting for it to come back online and was happy when it did. I did /warp wild and all of a sudden I found myself in a wall suffocating. Realising what was happening, I logged off. I got my sister to file a modreq detailing my predicament. @CluelessKlutz was kind enough to try and help me and he suggested that I log back on and have him try to force tp me to his location. Unfortunately, this didn't work. I lost a god pickaxe, a god pair of boots, 115 diamonds, a god fishing rod, a very good fishing rod, a god sword, god shovel and a beacon among other things. I would like to be refunded as I feel that this isn't my fault and I put a lot of time and money into getting those items. I know it sounds like I had a lot of valuable items on my but I can assure you that it's the truth. If need be feel free to check logs as I am sure of the items that I had and miss them very much.
I look forward to hearing from a member of staff,
Many thanks,