Having more is worse than having just one.
If there's a fly in your room, you grab one solid fly swatter and do your thing. Having 5 fly swatters and using them all at once would be rather difficult, wouldn't it? Pretty much how it works with anti virus software.
~ @Dockson
I would agree with you, but thats not a accurate comparison. See, antivirus companys come from a company, not yourself, if you made the antivirus, it would be you swatting the fly, otherwise it would be a guy named avast or norton or whatever swatting the flies.
It would be better if you had 5 people swatting flies consecutively.
On the other hand, welcome back! Thank god you didn't lose anything important :P. Can't wait to see you ingame! Also I reccomend you avast antivirus, its better than any other one ive used.