Member Name Flamedemond2
Additional In Game Names: None
How old are you? 17
Location: Canada
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3 hours
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4 hours
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's Niiicck
When did you join Meepcraft? Sept 2012
Introduction: Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Ethan, but to most I’m flamedemond2. This is now my 4th year playing meepcraft, and while it hasn’t always been the best, it’s always been a home away from home to me. For the past year or so, I sort of drifted away from meepcraft and started focusing on other things, such as school, friends, and myself. I’ve now come back so that I can continue to play the game with people I’ve come to know in this new era of meepcraft.
Why should you be Helper? As for why I should be a helper, there are many different reasons, but to sum it up into a few words, I think I’m the best version of myself when I can help others. I can honestly say that helping others brings out the best in me. I believe that becoming a member of meepcrafts staff once again would be beneficial for not only the server, but me as well. With that being said, let’s now get into some of my traits that I believe would make me a good candidate for helper.
I have been playing meepcraft for over 4 years now, and I can honestly say I have had some of my highest highs, and lowest lows with this server. While I haven’t exactly been the most active member this past year, I have been back for the past month now, getting to know the community once again, and catching up with old friends. In all my time playing minecraft, meepcraft is the only server I’ve really dedicated myself to, and the only server I’ve really ever had a real bond to. I hope that my dedication to the server over the years shows just how much I truly care for it.
As someone who’s played since September 2012, I can definitely say I have a lot of experience playing on meepcraft. And as a former staff member, I can definitely say that the best time I had playing was while I was a part of the team. Being put in a position to help others, using the knowledge of commands, towny, or just the server in general, all stems from my extensive knowledge of the server, and my experience with it. I believe that with my experience on meepcraft, I will be able to continue to help many others to the best of my ability.
Work ethic:
When it comes to my work ethic, I strive to constantly try my hardest in the things I do. This is, of course, with no exception to meepcraft. When put on a task, I always do my best to get it done to the best of my ability. Whether or not it is something small, I will always put my 100% in what I do. I am currently a grade 12 student just finishing exams, over the past week, I have had many sleepless nights, studying so that I can perform to the best of my ability. This is but one example of how my work ethic has been shown in real life, and I intend to carry that over to meepcraft.
What are your weaknesses? While there are many upsides to me become a staff member, I still have flaws, and I am not perfect. For example, I am a very defensive person. I fight for what I believe in, to the bitter end if necessary. I do not let up on something, until proven wrong. While some might see this as fighting for what I believe in, other see it as the inability to admit when I’m wrong. I’m working hard to improve on this, as to not let it get in the way if I were to become staff.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: While I have been a staff member in the past, I was not always known to be the nicest towards my fellow staff. That, however, was over a year ago, and since then have made amends with those I wasn’t very decent with, and are now on good terms with them.