That's such a cute way of thinking of it! Haha, I love sweaters, haven't been able to make much at the moment, I daughter myself off YouTube. But I'm knitting lots of small squares, I'm hoping one day to turn it into a blanket
~ @EllieEllie
What a nice goal! A lovely way to stay warm ;) I think I'm going to be making a pink cat hat that lots of women were wearing to the womens' marches recently during my crochet class. Fashion, function, and politics all in one! :D
I love Dragon Ball (Z), but I haven't watched any of the other ones you mentioned (even though I want to)!
Some of my favourites except dragon ball z are Code Geass, Re:Zero, Great Teacher Onizuka, K Project and many more...
~ @GroovyGrevous
Seems like you're more into action Animes, huh? I'm a romantic anime watcher, lol :D That's why sailor moon was so good to me.