Member Name Versus
Additional In Game Names: Cherrykit (current IGN), Phirea (alternate account), _Versus (old name)
How old are you? 16
Location: Germany
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you spend on Meepcraft? (average) 1-3
Have you ever been a Tech on a different server? No
References: Please give IGN's oKling, Dockson, GroovyGrevous, CluelessKlutz, Niiicck
Introduction: Hello, I’m Cherrykit (or Cherry), though some of you will probably know me as Versus. I currently live in Germany, yet I have lived in England in the past and enjoy talking English. I’m in 11th grade, but since I don’t really enjoy school I focus most of my free time on other things. I started going to university last year, where I am currently taking classes in maths and computer sciences.
In my free time, I have always greatly enjoyed learning and creating things. Due to that, I started looking into coding some two years ago and was quickly fascinated by the amount of things that were possible should I continue to learn more – which I gladly did. In addition to that, I also like drawing, reading, playing video games, going swimming and listening to music to relax and take breaks from working.
I joined Meepcraft in May 2014, and found myself hooked instantly – mainly due to the warm welcome the community gave me, as well as being able to talk English on the server. While I have not played the entire time, I have stayed on the forums and went in-game regularly to stay in touch with the community. I recently rejoined due to the reset and have been coming in-game almost every day ever since.
Please describe your experience as a developer. I first looked into developing when I learned how to use HTML to make simple websites in school about 2 years ago. As only making websites seemed a little restricting to me, I started learning Java at home. Since then, I have been making my own simple games together with my IT class in school and at home by myself. Soon I started to look more closely at game development and learned C# to use a software known as Unity3D, which would let me make my own games. While I never made a whole game, I did work on several small scenes and gained some experience with using various API’s in my code.
I have been wanting to learn to make minecraft plugins for a while, however I postponed learning this due to my efforts to work with Unity. I have recently started working with the Bukkit API to make my own plugins, my first plugin implementing a command which lets players set a nickname at the cost of a name tag. Since then I have been playing around with the different possibilities the API offers and looking into using SQL databases to store data for my plugins. In future, I will continue to learn more about databases, since it is this terms topic of my advanced IT class in school.
What programming languages are you familiar with? Java, C#, Pascal
What are you most proud of as your work as a developer? While I think I felt proudest after finishing the first little application I made (which was a simple Tic Tac Toe game), when I look back now, I believe I am proudest of a little scene of a game I recreated in Unity. In a book I read about developing games using the software, there was a link to a little example game included. Using the graphics of this game, I rewrote the code independently and extended the scene with a couple of my own features. I feel I am most proud of this because it is the most challenging single project I have finished since it took me a long time to learn everything I needed for it. Here is a link to me playing it (the cursor can’t be seen in the video for some reason):
How do you plan to enrich the experience of MeepCraft with your development contributions? I would like to start by helping to fix any bugs or errors that are present in the current plugins. This is because I have seen how many issues are constantly being found while I was a moderator, and now there are constantly new ones currently being reported due to the recent reset. By doing this, I can learn about the structure and function of the plugins currently used by the server. This would then help me in the future when developing my own code, since I would have a more solid idea of the standards I would have to meet.
Since I like having a challenge and learning while coding, I won’t mind working on projects in areas I have not yet got any experience in. Due to this, I do not want to restrict myself to working in a certain area or on a certain aspect of the server, but instead I plan to focus on what staff deem most important. While working as a developer, I will be able to dedicate more time to the server than I currently do, since I prioritize coding over playing the game.
Do you have a GitHub account or personal website? If so, please provide the link(s) here. Here is a link to my GitHub account with some of the minecraft plugins I have made so far: cherrykit (Cherry) · GitHub