Toostenheimer New Game: Try to name all the staff on each row correctly without confusing anyone.~ @CluelessKlutz*internal crying*
Tmuet New Game: Try to name all the staff on each row correctly without confusing anyone.~ @CluelessKlutzI know you're in there somewhere Clueless, but I don't know your skin, and thus feel like I have failed you. All the others don't matter really.
SpongeyStar Poor Quest Master, all alone. If only you knew the expression on his face when the photo was taken...
Kling Why are there two klings~ @builderjunkie012@TechnoTyson my man someone fell for the skins, you are doing good mate!
TechnoTyson @TechnoTyson my man someone fell for the skins, you are doing good mate!~ @KlingWhy make your own horrible skin when you can show off the best skin in the game
Courtneyyy It doesn't have me in it. wtf Courtneyyy.... IF that is even your real name?!?!?!?!?!?!~ @bbycakes2012So nice to see you too bbycakes!@KlutchDecals THE BEST STAFF PHOTO EVER
andrewrobins So nice to see you too bbycakes!@KlutchDecals THE BEST STAFF PHOTO EVER~ @Courtneyyyoh shit i'm in this. That poor girl on the hard left is vomiting from embarrassment.
Courtneyyy oh **** i'm in this. That poor girl on the hard left is vomiting from embarrassment.~ @andrewrobinsDiana? Lol