Hi all,
So I am not that active anymore but I check in to meep from time to time. I have spent many hours on the server building up towns in alpha, beta and gamma. Well now I logged in and all is gone. When you play a game you are in it for building it up and you work really hard for a long time and then one day its gone.....
I did not find the Outroduction thread on the forum so I use the Introduction instead. Nothing is forever but as long as I has some things still on this server it keept me coming back. Now all is gone so I see no reason to stick around. It was fun knowing you all! Its a shame this server become a newcomers server that stick around for a short while and waste some money on upgrades and no care was put into the real hardcore gamers.
Fuzzlr of all the stupid things youve done to the server this took me with surprise. Bye!