thecraftster I'm looking for a relatively fast way of making meebles if you know any good way plz let me know in this thread or message me in game /msg Konaki thnx
Geeneus Best way to make meebles is to realize that there is no "good way to make meebles." Be flexible, see what people want/need.I hoard resources until people need them, or I find what people are asking for. It takes some searching and a bit of secrecy.
builderjunkie012 The best way to make meebles is to find something to do and just do it. Most people know how to make money, its just that the ones who did are the ones that sat down and put the effort in
Imperfectly I made 100k in 2 hours xraying~ @iGwampaYou're the worst X-Rayer.Mine mesa biomes. you get tonnes of gold, sell it @ /warp bank.
Imperfectly You could, y'know, put some effort into it?~ @BlackJackDamn, was hoping for a way I could just afk and meebles fall into my hoppers :'(
Legocreator2013 I made slow money then opened a shop. You can't rush a shop though. You need to stay on top of it or else there might be a mistake to be exploited. over a year ago I had a shop and accidentally made the buy lower than the sell. (I lost 100k)