WhoNeedsJimbo A player posts a word, then other players write the above words and continue to add on words to make a story, like thisPlayer1: TheP2: The quickP3: The quick brownP4: The quick brown foxAnd so on.I'll start-Joseph
WeAreNumberUno Joseph sat down on a @buttfly29~ @Natsu@buttfly29 would like it.Joseph sat down on a @buttfly twice.
Natsu @buttfly29 would like it.Joseph sat down on a @buttfly twice.~ @WeAreNumberUnoJoseph sat down on a @buttfly29 twice. Then
417Mario Joseph sat down on a @buttfly29 twice. Then @buttfly29 said "I thinkmind the gap... i accidentally deleted my message
ZestyWheathin Joesph sat down on a @buttfly29 twice. Then @buttfly29 said "I think...I'll(please make this funny)
Natsu Joseph sat down on a @buttfly29 twice. Then he said "I think I'll jumpmind the gap... i accidentally deleted my message ~ @417MarioBritish Train Station be like: MIND THE GAP. MIND THE GAP.
ZestyWheathin Joseph sat down on a @buttfly29 twice. Then he said "I think I'll jump on joseph" *farts*lol was that bad..... I probably shouldn't say that XDhow a bout... "he"
417Mario British Train Station be like: MIND THE GAP. MIND THE GAP.~ @Natsuhttps://youtu.be/UOPyGKDQuRk Joseph sat down on a @buttfly29 twice. Then @buttfly29 said "I think I'll jump... on Joseph *farts* did
ZestyWheathin Joseph sat down on a @buttfly29 twice. Then @buttfly29 said "I think I'll jump... on Joseph *farts* did .... you