I'm suggesting a Kitpvp system for the reopening that is based on stats to earn better kits. I also think Kitpvp should drop the weapons and armor of the person to you killed to allow people that just started to get gear if they manage to kill someone. To keep this fair and so the people that played more don't always have a god set on, I'm also suggesting that the kits are redeemable with a time limit from minutes, hours, day(s), and a week at most. I'll explain more after I go into the kits.
There will also be a separate economy exclusive to kitpvp where 1 kill = $1. The money does NOT dissappear to kits that are unlocked by total amount of kills, these are for purchasable kits of specific characters.
Also, there should be a sign that allows the player, before dropping into pvp, to grab as many splash two healing pots as they desire. These cannot be instant help soups, as those stay in your inventory, and splash potions can be missed and help opponents. I'm also theming to the book series Inheritance (Eragon), but this can be changed to whatever later if Eragon is undesirable. Also, this will be 1.8 pvp and not newer, yet...
The first few kits are redeemable by everyone from the moment they join and have no time restrictions.
Varden Foot Soldier: Red dyed leather helmet, chain chestplate, chain leggings, chain boots (all not enchanted) and an iron sword (not enchanted)
Vardan Cavalry: Red dyed leather helmet, chain chestplate, chain leggings, chain boots (all not enchanted), a stone sword, and a bow with 16 arrows
Galbatorix's Foot Soldier: Blue dyed leather helmet, iron chestplate, chain leggings, leather boots also dyed blue (all unenchanted) and a stone sword.
Galbatorix's Cavalry: Blue dyed leather helmet, iron chestplate, chain leggings, blue dyed leather boots
The next kits are unlocked after 25 kills and can be redeemed every five minutes.
Du Vrangr Gâta (magic user): Chain helmet, chain chestplate, chain leggings, chain boots. Stone sword and Flame 1 infinity bow (all armor is protection 1)
Galbatorix's Magicians: chain helmet, chain chestplate, chain leggings, chain boots fireaspect 1 iron sword (all armor is protection 1)
These kits will be unlocked after 50 kills and redeemable every 15 minutes
Urgalgra: Leather helmet dyed black, Leather chestplate dyed black, Leather leggings dyed black, Leather boots dyed black Sharp 4 Iron sword + Resistance 1
Elf: Iron helmet, iron chestplate, iron leggings, iron boots Sharp 2 iron sword power 1 bow with 32 arrows (all armor is protection 1) + permanent speed 1
Dwarf: Iron helmet, Iron chestplate, Iron leggings, Iron boots Iron sword sharp 1. Urgal-horn bow with power 2 (all armor prot 1) and 64 Arrows
Werecat: Chain helmet, chain chestplate, chain leggings, chain boots
These kits will be unlocked after 100 kills and can be redeemed once a day.
Glaedr: Full Gold armor prot 5, elytra with unlimited use, fire's breath - Flame 1 bow with infinity, talons - sharp 5 diamond sword
Thorn: Full Leather Armor dyed red prot 6 (or 7; all these kits, dragons, need to be tanky but a specific color) Flame 1 bow with infinity, talons - sharp 3 diamond sword
Firnen: Full leather armor dyed green prot 6 (or 7; all these kits, dragons, need to be tanky but a specific color) Flame 1 bow with infinity, talons - sharp 1 diamond sword
Saphira: Full leather armor dyed blue prot 6 (or 7; all these kits, dragons, need to be tanky but a specific color) Flame 1 bow with infinity, talons - sharp 4 diamond sword
These kits will be purchasable by spending said amount of $ per kit. These kits are redeemable once an hour. Once unlocked the player has it forever (unless there is a reset).
Durza: 50$ Scratched Blade - Diamond sword sharp 1 Bow + 64 slowness arrows (Shortest time possible) Full Iron armor
Ra'zac: 50$ Iron sword sharp 2 Power 3 bow + 64 poison 1 arrows (shortest time possible)
Lord Barst: 60$ Mace - Diamond Axe kb 1 sharpness 2 Full diamond armor (unenchanted) No bow
Angela the Fortune Teller: 75$ Tinkledeath - Diamond sword sharp 3 Leather armor 2 harming 2 potions (splash)
Jeod Longshanks: 25$ Scythe Sharpness 5 Iron hoe Full Chain armor speed 1
Sloan: 30$ Blindness 1 Buthcers Axe - Diamond axe sharpness 5 Full chain armor
Oromis: 50$ Rider's Sword - Diamond sword sharpness 3 Full iron armor (protection 2) Power 5, punch 2, flame 2 bow with 10 arrows
Eragon: 250$ Brisingr fire aspect 2 sharp 4 Diamond sword, Full prot 4 diamond armor Flame 1 Infinity Bow +permanent speed 1
Murtagh: 250$ Za'roc sharpness 4 Diamond sword, Full prot 4 diamond armor Flame 2 Infinity 1 power 2 Bow
Arya: 250$ Elven Blade sharpness 3 Diamond sword, full prot 4 diamond armor Power 2 infinity bow +permanent speed 2
Roran: 250$ Hammer sharpness 5 Diamond axe, full prot 4 iron armor +permanent resistance 1
And that's about it. There are some minor things needed for the map, mainly jump pads scattered throughout the map that send people flying 50 blocks in the air so the dragon kits can be utilized. There should also be no fall damage or lava in the map so pvp can be more fair. Especially no lilypads, tall grass, or cobwebs. Thanks!
Edit 2: There should be clearlag on dropped items (so the items dissappear) 1 minute after they are dropped to the ground, this way people can pick up the items but they wont be there long to make the server really laggy.
Edit 3: I forgot to add that there should be 3 full /chests in this world for everyone to use. This way people that get kills can safely store their booty from fights so they still have decent kits. /chest shouldn't be usable if you have been combat tagged in the last 15 seconds, and being hit while in /chest will not remove you from /chest (if you hide from a chaser for 15 seconds you should be able to store your stuff).