Hello and welcome to my guide. I will be illustrating the art of walking away, more commonly known as quitting.
Background: I have played MeepCraft since 2014(2013?¿) and I have had several hiatus periods. During which I straight up don't play Meep or check the Meep community. As time goes on, everything is forgotten. It's simply inevitable. We just aren't very significant in the grand scheme of things. Which brings me to Meep. Meep is obviously declining in players, and I'm sure many of you are scared as for what to do next. No matter who you are - Meeper or not - you will be faced with this question at some point in your life. I fear that many of you are holding onto this crumbling ledge of Meep in hopes that you can relive the "glory days" or find that spark once again. Now if you do find it, that's great. But for many people it is hard to find the joy that we once did, including me. Now the point of this guide will be to illustrate how to walk away. So without further ado, here it is:
The First Leap: Okay so like stopping any bad habit, you need to get it away from you. Before you do that though, ask yourself: why? Is it because you just don't enjoy it? Do you not like the staff? Do you not like your friends? etc etc. Once you have addressed that, figure out something else to do. For me, it's playing League of Legends, swimming, and focusing on schoolwork. These three things combined with school and work keep me busy and not concentrated on the latest Meep drama (the reason I decided to get away from Meep). Once you have your hobby, I highly recommend you clear your internet history, passwords, delete minecraft or meepcraft from your server list and work on your new hobbies! Many of these said hobbies have online communities as well, so find those! Make new friends! Hey, you might even feel that same spark of enjoyment that you felt on Meep.
Mid-leap: Okay, so you've found some new stuff to do but you feel something missing. This is normal. You're going to miss it. You're going to want to go back but take my word: you will be disappointed and find yourself back on the ledge. Set new, harder goals in those hobbies and achieve them! The New Year is a great opportunity for this. Stay in mid-leap for a while, no worries! You've got time my friend. Once you hardly think of Meep, you're ready to land.
Sticking the landing: Ill be honest, you're always going to think of Meep. If you've been playing since even a month ago, you're going to have that Meep blood in ya. It's hard to ignore! But that's okay! Most of us are on social media and you can even send physical mail if you know them well enough! We're a family y'all, and the server doesn't have to be the end of it. If you do find yourself totally free of Meep thoughts then good for you! I'm proud of you! You are probably doing great things! No matter what you end up doing once you quit directly interacting with Meep, it'll be good, I promise! Why else would we keep on making small kids to experience this ;)
Thank you for reading my guide and I hope you all have a nice NY2k17!