Hello, I could not really come up with a title for this Thread, so I put Hello. Hey everyone! I have started to be more active on MeepCraft forums if you haven't noticed. I am trying to know each Meeper a little bit better. I am also trying to become a kinder, friendlier, and helpful Meeper. I know a lot of you have already mastered at this, but I know some people have not. I really want people to take this into consideration, even if you think you are already a very respectful Meeper. I know all each and everyone one of you are capable of this, and don't ever thing you are not. Each and everyone of you are already kind, helpful, and friendly. But ask yourself, are you the best you can be? Can you take an extra moment to stop and help another Meeper? This also applies to real life, go help you friend accomplish something. I want all of us to thing about this this New Year, leave everything in the past, and start to thing about what is ahead.