We do urge you guys to download SquidHQ SquidHQ - Minecraft Launcher to prevent further downtime
~ @Courtneyyy
I strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND downloading SquidHQ minecraft launcher. In fact, using cracked/hacked clients such as SquidHQ is illegal. Remember distributing mods, OK, distributing minecraft clients, NOT OK. This server does violate the MCUG (Minecraft Commercial Usage Guidelines). Yes, violating the EULA is illegal and Mojang can pursue legal action against your server if you violate it further. They've blacklisted this server to prevent further EULA/MCUG violations. By playing minecraft, or running a Minecraft server, you are agreeing to Mojang's terms of use (EULA). Remember that 'eula.txt' file you had to open up and change false to true in to get the server to run? Yes, that is you agreeing to their terms of use. You are using their code, even if you're using spigot/craftbukkit, you are using their code (Yes, spigot and craftbukkit use Mojang code). SquidHQ is illegal usage of Mojang code because it is not distributing SquidHq's work, it is distributing Mojang's work. I do not condone illegal activity. As a developer myself, I understand why this is so bad. It would be like if you wrote a program and someone just copied your program's code and changed one line then redistributed it. DO NOT support illegal distribution of other's work.
EDIT: Please don't recommend downloading an illegal (and sketchy) minecraft launcher.