MeepLottery's Official Lottery - GAMMA
/pwarp ML has opened a lottery! Just type /pwarp ML and buy your tickets for 2.5k each!
Run by staff member @TechnoTyson, and previous staff members @superbros1211 and @funkyrainbows, this lottery follows the previous lottery run 12 months ago by the MeepShop, which distributed over 10,000,000 Meebles in prizes.
How much can I win?
MeepLottery has an 80% Payout, the remaining 20% goes towards the making of the signed books, future cash prizes and other associated costs.
In the event that a lottery prize is unclaimed, the prize money may be combined with the current lottery to create a Super Cash Prize.
How do I enter?
Travel to /pwarp ML. There, buy the cobblestone for 2.5k and a signed book is shot out at you with a letter and number on it. The letter represents the lottery the ticket is valid for and the number is your unique ticket number.
What are the winning procedures?
Regular MeepLottery competitions will be drawn ever week, with the winning ticket posted on this thread and in-game on a sign at /pwarp ml.
If you have won, you have 7 days from the time the winning ticket is announced on this thread to rename your book to your IGN (anvils are located at /pwarp ml) and put it in the hopper which can be found in the lottery room. If the hopper is full contact TechnoTyson, superbros1211 and funky rainbows in-game and on the forums and we will fix this asap. If your lottery ticket has been copied, the first one to put it in the hopper wins the cash price.
Most Recent Winner: 7/1/17