Member Name Pmx728
Additional In Game Names: Pmx_ (Current), Pmx728, and CasualCaviar
How old are you? 15
Location: East coast of the USA
Do you have Discord? Yes
When did you join Meepcraft? I joined Meepcraft February, 17, 2015
Have you ever held a media position on another server? No
Introduction: Hi! Hi my name is Bryan and I am currently a sophomore in high school. In my free time I enjoy playing soccer, running, hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and of course playing Meepcraft. I love ethnic foods, and my favorite football team is the redskins and my favorite fútbol team is QPR. I am currently on a select soccer team, taking all honors or ap classes and learning how to play the piano. Juggling all these things has helped me learn how to be responsible and budget time efficiently. I would describe myself as an ambitious, adventurous, kind, and a laid back guy.
When I grow up I plan to go down the of business (specifically information systems). This is probably why I have an interest in Meepcraft. I just love interacting with people and spreading joy. Whether it is working at my grandparents restaurant, being a camp counselor, taking care of the neighborhood kids, or helping collect food and giving food to the homeless on thanksgiving.
I have been a loyal member of Meepcraft for almost 2 years now, and I haven't ever thought of quitting. In game I own 3 large towns and and many shops/casinos. I first got into recording and editing videos, when I watched Bluapol’s hacker videos. I thought they were so cool and wanted to try to make my own videos. About 6 months later I got bored and stopped making videos. Recently after watching the player base slowly drop, I decided that I wanted to help contribute to getting new players. I had totally forgot how much fun making videos was. I have been researching lots of recording and editing techniques to improve my videos, and can't wait to learn more.
If you want to get to know me better, feel free to message me in game (@ Pmx_) on skype (@ CasualCaviar) or on discord (@ Pmx_#2918)
Why should you be on our Media team? I believe that I could be a great asset to the current Media team. Here is why:
Determination- I believe that I have put in the work to hopefully get this spot on the staff team. Since I was little I was told, “You are either hot or cold, no in being lukewarm”. This means that when you do something, you either put in the work and effort or you might as well not try at all.
Will to improve- I have done lots of research on editing a recording recently. I would love to get some advice and criticism from others as it helps me get better. One of the big things I’ve learned how to do is creating 360 degree videos. I have also now learned how to edit them and get Youtube to recognize the video as a 360. I believe I could make some cool and unique videos using this technique in the future. I am also looking to stream when I get a new microphone.
Here is the 360 Video:
Team work- On my soccer team, I learned how important teamwork is despite wether you like your teammates or not. In soccer you can't win any games by yourself. Everyone relies on each other. Just like a sports team, without communication and ability to work together, the team can not function or work properly. I think that I will be able to co-operate effectively with the team and would love to get to know everyone better.
Reliable- If there is something that needs to get done, I would like to be the person that people can rely on. With that being said, If a video needs to be done, you need some ads on a website or anything, I hope that you will trust that I will get the job done and do my personal best at it.
I believe you can trust me to represent the server in a mature manner and I would love the opportunity to help advertise this amazing server. Thank you for reading my application and I hope you are having an amazing day!
What is the main platform that player can go and publicly view your content on, and what is your typical content comprised of? I post all my videos on Youtube.
My channel link: Pmx728 Gaming
Example 1 of video content:
Example 2 of video content.