[FONT=Verdana]You griefed not only my plots, but almost everyone else in the entire area. Suffice to say, you griefed almost everyone's plots. My entire sheep farm was ruined and I had to constantly move my sheep just to get all the snow out. Apparently, you personally, intentionally, pushed around snow golems around to grief not only my own plots, as I said, but others as well. It was major Towny griefing. That's why you were demoted, with a valid reason.
When you join a town, you first agree to the Towny taxes that were already in place. Although Towny staff are exempt, you disgraced your co-mayor position and lost the privilege of co-mayorship of my town.
You've abused your co-mayor power before, specifically in mooville, where you "accidentally" /t claimed almost 400-500k worth of Towny money. This incident shows your constant and repeated abuse of co-mayor, in which now seems very harmful and with malice intent.
If you thought my taxes were "outrageous", then you shouldn't have joined in the first place. Instead, you joined just so you could have co-mayor and completely wreck and grief my town.[/FONT]