As some of the older staff members/player may remember, I played for a while under the account name Cookies713. I eventually reached the rank of Elite. However, I quit for about 18 months, and for some unknown reason I no longer have access to this account. I am not able to reset the password, as I have tried multiple times to send a reset password account under every email I held since I bought the account, and none have been received. For that reason, I was hoping that the rank could be manually transferred to my new account.
This new account is named GeniusPyromaniac. I have a paypal transaction record of a $36 payment to one George Coelho for my rank, as I upgraded to VIP, Premium and Exclusive through rank sellers. However, I would prefer not to post this transaction publicly, and I can send it via private message to the relevant staff member. I have no transaction record or anything of the like for my previous ranks. I hope this is sufficient.
Edit: Although this is far from conclusive proof, upon trawling through old posts I have realised that my Helper application lists my rank as Citizen (Exclusive), and the post has not been edited.
Cookies (Murphy)