Member Name TechnoTyson
Additional In Game Names: jadey_spud
How old are you? 15
Location: Adeliade, Australia
Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-5
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's Midnight_Galaxy, LadyCassandra, oKling, Vampire_man_32, jadeyspud
When did you join Meepcraft? Late 2012
Introduction: G'day everyone. My name is Tyson, I am an elite on Meep. I am 15 years old as of a few months ago and live in Adelaide which is a city in the Land Down Under. You can find out I live in Australia by checking my 4 bar ping on the tab list. My hobbies are Tennis, Music, Maths and of course Meepcraft. I enjoy getting outside for a run, socializing and watching this amazing Australian T.V. show offspring (go check it out). I play the French Horn and love the instrument. I happy with where I am in life and wouldn't change anything even with its ups and downs, having friends to talk to, if it's on Meep or irl makes me happy and consider myself lucky to be where I am. (A dry rock with bad internet). If you can't tell I like to keep my positive pants on.
I am currently doing grade 9 at school and I am never one to say no to an opportunity to get involved in sport, music or other activities run by the school. This year I am on the school robotics team, the school tennis team, the school's senior band, boys choir, junior orchestra and a few other smaller things. This is the second year I have been at this school, at the previous school I was also involved in lots of school groups/committees. I was a member of the Student Representative Council as well as the school Grounds Committee. In both of these important decisions were made with help of students like me about the school.
I have been on Meep for almost 4 years, however, I haven't been playing for 4 years straight obviously. Through 2015 I didn't play at all and only re-joined at the start of this year. I have had small breaks here and there to get on top of my school work. I am actively trying to meet new people on TeamSpeak as I appear to have outlasted many friends as recently most have left the server.
At school I perform well getting good grades in all subjects however, it's really important for me to get a good balance between Meep and school which can be hard for me. I don't just play Minecraft I also enjoy all games and I have recently been trying out the game cities skylines and I have really been in enjoying however Minecraft is my first priority. I also have a passion for computers and good quality equipment which is a bit of a downfall as I spend way too much money on peripherals.
Why should you be Helper? I went through 2 years of school having IRL friends as staff members, sometimes I would feel a little bit left out and once I even applied for helper (couldn't find it in the denied section as it was ages ago). After I applied the first time I settled on the fact I wasn't ready for staff yet and my time would come. After waiting for ages I feel the time for me is soon. I am at the peak of my Meepcraft life having more knowledge and skills that I could ever imagine. When I joined this server I was a noob, now I know almost every inch of the game and Meep.
My extensive database allows me to help players with information about the game where other people might not have. I myself accept that I don't know everything or anywhere near close to everything and I am prepared to ask questions about anything I don't know the answer to. I am a self-motivated learner and take my opportunities when I can to participate in Meepcraft events and to help out as much as possible.
During school 3 years ago my good mate and I ran a Minecraft server for the younger student to play on at our and enjoy at school during lunch times. I got a good taste of helping people out and managing issues, stopping them from getting out of control. I learned lots about moderating and controlling situations from this while having a good time.
My experience running the Minecraft server gives me an understanding of what it is like to deal with people good and bad. I get annoyed sometimes at why people don't just follow the rules or why people do stupid things. This experience has taught me how to control myself and how it's important to handle the situation calmly.
I love communicating with people however if you tell me a secret I will take it to the grave. I am good at talking to people on TeamSpeak and I feel I have good communication skills which can help make a person new to TeamSpeak feel more comfortable around me. I can make conversations out of thin air and make the saddest of people have a good laugh.
I am a logical thinker and always try to think of the best possible solution to a problem instead of acting on the first idea that comes to mind. I am good at problem solving and thinking my way out of any problem without having to act harshly so I can find the best outcome for everyone. If I make a mistake, mess up, do something stupid or anything of the sort I am not one to go home and cry about it I will come up and confess and fix the problem. Going with my logical thinking I feel it's illogical to hide something which will inevitably be discovered and you'll be worse off.
I spend the majority of my time playing Meep in the downtime where there can be anywhere from 30 to 8 people online. With my Australian time zone, I can help out when there is one or no staff on the server. Although my Meepcraft hours aren't crazy good it’s not about the time, it's the way you use it. I am confident that I can manage my playtime well and accomplish the roles of Helper and more within the hours I play on the server.
I am one of the most loyal people you will meet. This is partial because I feel bad if I let anyone down and I also like to strive for the best I can achieve. I was in the same clan in Clash of Clans for almost 3 years. Even when the owner of butterland became inactive I kept working hard and kept the town coming along.
What are your weaknesses? Peer Pressuring - sometimes if people are nervous about something I can pressure them a lot, for example, trying to get on TeamSpeak. Recently I realize putting all this pressure on people isn't nice and I need to let them do stuff in their own time.
To forgiving - I accept that if people do something wrong then they deserve to get punished however if anyone says sorry in a ban appeal I will always feel bad to deny the person even if they have been given multiple chances.
Communication - I spend most of my time on the server on Teamspeak as well. This often means I overlook global chat and don't talk as much as I would like. To help fix this I made global chat larger so it takes up lots of my screen and that appears to be helping along with me taking part in more conversations in Global.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: