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PhotoShop v2.0After it's initial debut in the then-brand-new gamma towny, Photoshop has taken off.
What started as the kind gift of a free pwarp (Thanks @jakobrigtrup) soon turned into a multi-warp corporation. Gamma Photoshop first started out in the town of Gamma (Owned by
@Kling) and had to be moved to the town of Mooville (Owned by
@twomoo1119) after outgrowing its single plot space.
Many thanks to anyone who has helped me and my shop get this far!
/pwarp PhotoShop contains:
- Gamma's largest note shop (pwarp notez)
- Gamma's most comprehensive ebook shop (pwarp bookz)
- A fully-featured enchanting station with level 1-30 enchanting
- A tool, armor, weapon and potion shop (pwarp kit)
Come take a look!
Want to help out PhotoShop?
Anyone can support /pwarp PhotoShop by buying and selling from it (obviously).
However, you can earn discounts and other freebies for you and your friends by placing ads for my shop around the server, hosting events or advertising in /tr.
These things are greatly appreciated and are an excellent way to help the store grow!
Many thanks to the wonderful support and encouragement of @Adrian @KlutchDecals @Kling @twomoo1119 @jakobrigtrup @TimothyJH @CluelessKlutz and all the others who i probably forgot.